The Better  Pen Network

The  "Better Pen" Network is an "O "'PEN_fac product. A subsidiary of F A S S

The Better  Pen Network

The  "Better Pen" Network is an "O "'PEN_fac product. A subsidiary of F A S S

Please fill out the "YES" form below. Give us the "FACTS", briefly.

Give yourself the opportunity to help us help YOU. YES. I am interested in getting help with _(please state your needs in the form.) ___

1. A bussiness plan and grant info?___

  2. BLOCKCHAIN info? ___

     3. FASS info? ___


LET US help YOU write a TOP-of-the-LINE, "Build Back Better" business and strategic, marketing plan.

Or just a "start-up" business plan.


Let The "Better Pen Network" make the Journey easy

MOMENTS IN HISTORY.... Accumulates to important days of our past.  Months weeks and years of secrets we must never forget.   Secure YOUR future. Gather your THOUGHTS,   pencil them to paper, so we can give you the key for your business to "Climb and Maintain".


This is an O 'PEN website at work for you.

a paragraph..... Recognizes a pen and a Penn knows bad content when it see's it!  FOLLOWING simple, instructions is part of purcuring a grant.  Can you see yourself taking that first step?